Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The republican assault

The republican assault on the people of America

In eight years the republicans turned a surplus into a deficit. Where did all the money go? It went to republicans Halliburton, black-water , etc..... Now these same republicans are complaining that Obama did it. They try to sabotage the country in every way they can.

The republicans are heavily invested in gold, real estate, Grand Cayman banks, and Swiss banks. The republicans stand to gain if the monetary system collapse. This is why they oppose anything to fix the economy.

When the system collapses and you go into foreclosure, they will buy your home for pennies on the dollar and rent it back to you. They have a vested interest in the collapse of the country.

The republicans will profit from the collapse of the country this seems like high treason to me.

If you vote republican and you are not a millionaire you are voting for your own destruction.

The question of the century.

Is it possible for the people to work hard enough that the republican parasite class could say we are satisfied, we will not try to extract anymore labor from you.

This is impossible, They will always want more.

It is not Obamas fault.

All this mess was created by Bush, Cheney and friends in eight years.

Give Obama eight years to fix it without sabotage him.

Unuseminucum 7/26/11